Friday, December 19, 2008

Breakers and Formatting

Hey Erik,

If you check this please remember to use the new, darker blue breaker line. The journey is mostly made up of the older, lighter blue breakers. I changed a few of them, but not all yet.

Also, remember to edit the blog post area so that it no longer says the date posted, the person who posted it, comments, or tags.

I sent you an invite for the Downloads, I'll make you an admin today. I think, if I have the time, I'll try to invite you to all the pages. If you want to do the same, try to invite itsourstory@gmail also. If you create a new blog, then view your own profile, you can see which of your pages are accessible to who. It should say "Team Members".

Take it easy.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Downloads Page

Riis, I need access to the downloads page.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Journey Q1 and Q2

I updated the journey Q1 and Q2 pages. I'm still working on the rest. What are you guys doing on Thanksgiving?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Journey PNGs

I posted some Journey PNGs to FTP but I'm not sure that they're the right ones. They might require some photoshopping is all.

Should be in Web Journey PNGs.

Links, Navigation, Videos...

Hey Erik.

I reworked the link list thing, but I have created some strange situation where the first time you navigate to the site and then click on a site navigation link, it will open that link in a new tab. It only does it the first time you navigate to the site like I said but it is weird. At this point its not enough of an issue to spend too much time on, but if you know a way around that, it would be helpful. (Fixed the issue: 11/22/08 12:58 CST)

I also moved the site nav up to the to of the sidebar. This makes navigation more smooth for people who don't know what's on the site.

My next move is to split the Video Albums into two pages: video albums and the voices.

Scott and I also spoke about separating the four: voices journey mission spirit, into their own little sub category on the site nav menu, but I can't think of a sub name for that category yet, any ideas?

I'll make you admin here as soon as you accept invite.

Talk to ya later.